5 Learning Benefits of Conducting a Blended Class

Blended learning is a perfect and delicate mix of online and face-to-face learning. The advantages of doing a hybrid class varies from logistics to instruction.

Listed are 5 learning benefits of conducting a blended class.

1. Strategic planning allows the teacher to give more time for discussions and high-order thinking activities during face-to-face interaction. The teacher may provide introductory videos or materials online, then go deeper into the topic during face-to-face meeting.

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Understanding Blended Learning: A Beginner’s Point-of-View

Blended learning captured my interest as a relatively new educator. Being a millennium yuppie makes me naturally susceptible to technologically engaged activities. Hence, I’ve developed strong interests on learning and advocating teaching with technology.

Dreaming… More interactive learning in the Philippines!

In an effort to understand “blending” further, I joined an open online course popularly known as BlendKit in Canvas Network. Thank you to the BlendKit Team from University of Central Florida!

For its first week, I learned the basic ideas that revolves around blended courses. There are so many things I’ve learned, and I would like to emphasize these 4 general ideas.

1. Blended Learning is more than just adding an online component to a traditional course

Continue reading Understanding Blended Learning: A Beginner’s Point-of-View

5 “Key Ingredients” of Instruction – Blending Guides for Starters Like Me

One of the things I’ve learned is that designing a blended course is a controlled process. Lack of proper planning and appropriate understanding of “blending” may result to excessive work and unnecessary stress. Control is much needed in effectively translating an educator’s enthusiasm to an interactive blended course. In deciding which class elements to put online, it is ideal that teachers follow a two-step process. First, establish an ideal and familiar learning strategy, which, for most of us, is an interactive face-to-face and student collaborative learning. Then, systematically analyzed which elements of the “lesson plan” can be delivered online or in multiple platforms.

Continue reading 5 “Key Ingredients” of Instruction – Blending Guides for Starters Like Me